Monday, March 19, 2007

And then there were 7

So word got out this weekend (thanks Penny ;)) I am expecting our 5th child. While Jason, the kids, and I are very excited about a new person coming to our family, I am less than excited to officially tell everyone, so I am not going to. I am not going to openly tell people, but if they ask, then I will tell them. Bizy has put her request in for a baby sister, and for her I hope it is a girl, she needs a sister! The Boys dont really care either way, and really I am good with either one. So this fall we will have #5, WOW!!! I am too young for 5 kids!


Brandi said...

Congrats, Liv!

Tamra said...

Holy cow! How did I miss this? I'm outta the loop! CONGRATULATIONS!!!