Monday, April 2, 2007

just when I thought it was safe...

I thought Morning sickenss was over, but this last week it has hit with a vengance! Not only am I sick in the mornings as usual, but now I have to advoid certain textures of foods, and I get sick right before bed as well. I am 14 weeks and just starting my second triemster, so I thought I was good. i've never had morning sickness this bad or long. I suppose it is good news though.

On another note, schooling is going pretty well, even with the pregnancy ills. We read ALOT, which works for us as my kids are still so young. We are starting the Boxcar Children this month and I am very excited, it was one of my favorite books growing up. I also got the book American History... Stories you never heard in School, but should have. It is great! I read a little snipit from it daily, and we discuss it. I am amazes at the thoughts that my 6 year old has.

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