Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Well I ended up going to the Dr. Yesterday and they did a bunch of tests and I have an echocardiogram today. They found that my left ventricle is indeed enlarged and that two of my valves are not working properly. Atleast this is what the ultrasound tech said, and she said she would send the info along to the Dr. and he would call with the final review.

I am SO stressed right now. Obviously my body is not getting enough blood, but what concerns me more is the baby. If I am not getting enough blood, is the baby? I am so numb right now, all I want to do is curl up into a ball and cry. I feel so lost and confused. This is my 5th term pregnancy, My heart should be perfectly healthy! Did I ignore it so long that I made it worse than it originally was? Do I just suck it up, and move on as if nothing is wrong? I am still doing my typical daily activities, but I am easily winded, and I pass out alot. I just want to be whole, healthy and back to normal. I've always been healthy, why now??? What do I need to learn from this? What am I not getting, that I need to?

So many questions...

1 comment:

Brandi said...

((((((((Liv)))))))))) I'm so sorry you're dealing with such difficult health issues. You and your baby will certainly be in my prayers.